Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The sins of the author of 'The Sins of Scripture'
Part 1
Some people' beliefs are quite clear cut. Stephen Hawkins, Bertrand Russell and Richard Dawkins are confirmed Atheists. They are absolutely sure that God does not exist. Others like Paul Nurse are agnostics. At least these group is humble enough to acknowledge that they are not sure whether God exist or not. To all the Atheists in the world the Scriptures had a verse for them ' A fool looked into the glories of heaven and proclaimed that there is no God.'
The difficult part are those who claimed to be Christians but considered the Bible as merely a guidebook, certainly not 'The word of God' One such person is the former Bishop of Newark, John Shelby Spong who was also the author of 'The sins of Scripture'. Initially, I felt my effort, a daunting task having to dispute with a person who lectures at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge. but after going through the contents of the book, realized that my job is not at all daunting after all. Any ordinary born-again Christians can discern the errors of his reasonings.
He argued that The Bible cannot be the 'word of God' and offered many intellectual reasonings for saying so. This is a fundamental error resulting in the entire book becoming flawed which Scriptures described as 'being misled and misleading others' Can we blame a person for being sincerely wrong? The greatest mistake that he and many other great intellectuals in the world committed is what I called the sin of presumption - having absolute confidence that they are right but found to be wrong. The best examples in the Scriptures are found in Matthew 27:25 where the High Priests and the people were absolutely sure that Jesus is a false prophet that they dare to make a declaration that if they were wrong, let His blood flows upon them and their children. I wonder whether the slaughtering of six million Jews by Stalin and Hitler has anything to do with this? Another interesting episode is found in book of 2Chronicles 35:20-24 where King Josiah was absolutely sure that God does not give instruction to pagan kings, a fatal sin of presumption.
Let us then go through one by one, our honorable Bishop's arguments. We will then be able to see why a person of such high intelligence can make simple errors. When a student in school faces difficulties in his studies, he will consult his teacher. Similarly when a child of God faces difficulties in understanding Scriptures, he must in the quietness of his room consult God. Every other alternatives will lead only to errors. Sadly it is impossible for our Bishop to consult God because he believed that God does not interfere with the affairs of mankind, again another fundamental mistake.
Our Bishop found difficulty in understanding how Moses can record his own death. I think he will understand it better when he come across autobiographies done posthumously. The publisher will surely include the place and time of death of the author. Must the publisher then tell the readers that the inclusion of the time and place of death is written by him and not the author? It is plain common sense but it appeared not so common to our honourable Bishop.
Part 2
Our Bishop found it difficult to worship a God who plays favorites, who chooses one people to be God' people to the neglect of all others, a God who could manipulate the weather in order to send the great flood that drowned all human lives save for Noah's family. He cannot imagine human parents punishing their wayward offspring in this manner. A God who sent the angel of death across the land of Egypt to murder the firstborn males in every Egyptian household in order to facilitate the release of the chosen people. A God who stop the sun for the sole purpose of allowing Joshua time to slaughter more of the Amorites. A God who instruct Samuel to command King Saul to utterly destroy the Amalikites, to kill both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass and many other 'terrible texts' As such our Bishop is of the opinion that no sane person can ever believe that the Bible is the 'Word of God'?
A similar problem arose in the 1970s when a senior pastor (At that time Billy Graham was only a junior pastor) declared that there is no God, after having read in the LIFE magazine that a million babies died of hunger together with their mothers in South Africa. He reasoned that any ordinary person will not hesitate to help a baby dying of hunger so it is impossible for God to exist and yet not lift a finger to help. This pastor went into depression was was never heard of ever since. Billy Graham was also in the same dilemma but he was wise enough to go into the quietness of his room and prayed to God for answers. Today, he is one of the greatest evangelist the world ever had. Both this poor pastor and our Bishop made the fundamental error of comparing God with man. I am sure that if ever a colony of fire ants were to build a nest in our Bishop's garden, he will have no hesitation to destroy all millions of them, being a good father and making sure that no harm will come to his children. The reason he can do this with impunity is simply because ants are merely pests in the eyes of man. Let us not forget that both man and ants are created by God. By simple comparison we can realize how far worse than pests are humans. Is it then a grave matter for God to destroy the world by a deluge? Have we forgotten that all life's came from God? Job, whom even God admitted was a perfect man, finally came to realize how great God is when His Glory came upon Job and he confessed he deserve to die for questioning God. All his children died and all his properties stolen and he has contracted a terrible disease. He questioned God for allowing all these calamities to come upon him despite of the fact that he did not sin. Can a potter not be allowed to destroy what he had moulded when they are defective? What is terrible with man may not be terrible with God. In fact Jesus came to earth ONLY for the lost sheep of Israel (Jews) to the exclusion of all other people (Gentiles). The question of favoritism never arises because our Bishop thought that all humans, whether Jews or Gentiles, are equal. But the problem is God thought otherwise so we must decide who is the better thinker, our Bishop or God.
On the matter of whether the Bible is the Word of God, it is interesting to know that even one of the greatest Islamic scholars Addis Ababa made a fundamental mistake by saying that originally, the Bible is the pure Word of God but through the passage of time it became adulterated and impure. By his assertion, he is implying that our Almighty God is incapable of maintaining His Book pure. Absolutely absurd. Even our Bishop, I am sure is able to keep his book in its original form. Let it be known that our God is always able to maintain His book pure for all eternity. I believe it never occurred to our Bishop that there is in fact more than 2000 apparent discrepancies in the Bible. The fact that the four gospels have apparent discrepancies is not surprising. The only way for the four gospels to be identical is to glue the four gospel writers together so that everything they wrote about Jesus will be identical or perhaps one writer to write with the other three plagiarizing. We should be well aware that these four gospel writers, being eyes witnesses to what Jesus did and said, the possibility of apparent discrepancies in their writings, is something expected, bearing in mind that the four of them is not with Jesus all the time.
Part 3
Bishop: 'There is no theistic God who exists to take care of you or me. There is no God who stands ready to set aside the laws by which this universe operates to come to our aid in time of need. Ask the Jews where the God who could split the Red Sea was when they were being marched into Hitler's crematoriums during the Holocaust.....Surely we can now see that we have created the theistic God in our image. We then used this God to justify the dreadful things we were and are doing to our world. We have looked upward for a God above the sky for centuries, but we now know that the infinite universe is empty of supernatural invasive deities.'
The above views of our Bishop will probably be shared by the majority of the population of the world especially Gentile nations, the people who have never experience the power of God in their entire earthly life. Who can blame these poor fellows? As for us, the minority, the raising of the death, healing from 4th stage cancer, opening the eyes of the blind and the casting out of demons are normal occurrence. God once gave me a supernatural word of knowledge equipping me with the know-how to cast out the demon/s who refused to come out from the lady in spite of a group of Christians trying to cast them out in Jesus' name. The sad thing is that if we were to tell these to our Bishop, he will surely explain to the world that we are all hallucinating. Self denial is the natural reaction when a person who is absolutely sure of his beliefs and confronted with occurrence which goes against the very core of his belief. I am sure when a demon were to appear before our Bishop, he will just close his eye and keep telling himself he is merely hallucinating. That is the danger of the sin of presumption. Our Bishop who claimed to be so in love with the Bible yet is not able to consider that Hitler could be a special weapon of God to fulfill His purposes. Have he forgotten what the Jews did to Jesus and declared that if what they did was wrong, let his blood flow upon us and our children. Hitler also played an important role of the creation of the Nation of Israel. When God scattered them over the earth when they sinned, the Jews, being the most intelligent people in the world, prospered wherever they go. No one can imagine them going back to the desert especially when they are happy with their adopted country. Only when they were extremely persecuted did they realized the need to have a strong nation to protect themselves. The rest was history when Israel was formed in 1948 against all odds. I hope our Bishop is able to see that Israel cannot exist without the help of evil men like Stalin and Hitler just as the plan of salvation cannot come to pass without the help of bad guys like Judas Iscariot, bearing in mind always that God never harden the hearts of kind souls, only the bad ones like the Pharaoh and Judas Iscariot.
(Part 4)
Our Bishop could not understand why the Bible is so biased over woman and why Paul Tarsus wrote 'I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man', and finally asked 'Now do you still want to waste your time arguing that the full inclusion of women in power positions of church leadership violates scripture, overturns sacred traditions and threatens the unity of the church? He concluded that will be the height of suicidal irrelevance for the Christian church.
First of all let it be known that there is a God in heaven who knows woman better than anyone else, our Bishop included. Woman can be easily beguiled and the church is too important an institution to be run by woman because we are not dealing with flesh and bones, or with misguided human creatures like our Bishop but we are fighting against principalities in the air, mighty fallen angels whose onslaught no human can withstand.
It is a very serious business. Of course our Bishop will never understand because he has been looking at the sky all his life and has never seen any deities, not realizing that they are everywhere, in fact million times more than the population of humans but invisible to the human eyes. They are the one third fallen angels struck down to earth and to people like our Bishop, they will certainly not expose themselves so that our Bishop will continue to believe demons don't exist bearing in mind that when a person does not believe in the existence of demons, he will naturally also not believe that God exist. They love that. They love it more if this person is highly intellectual and the whole world believe him. Imagine how much damage can the enemies do when the victims are not even aware that they are around. Is it surprising then if practically the whole world is misled by the god of this system? He is the master of deception and only those under our Father's wings are safe.
I will tell you why woman generally are easily misled. Once I asked a woman pastor a simple question. A gunman was chasing after me and I ran to her house and hid upstairs. If the gunman went to her and ask her my whereabouts, how will she answer? Her reply was 'Since I cannot tell lies I must tell him the truth but I will pray for your soul if you are shot by him' Can you seriously let woman be in charge of the house of God? I am not absolutely sure but God is certainly sure. Why can't women humble themselves and just do lesser job like doing children ministry and the like. Being easily misled they can do great damage to the church when they fall from grace. What is wrong with women being the weaker sex and Jews being His chosen people. I for one would most willingly become a slave to the Jews.
If God made me a container to hold excreta, why complain? Just be the best excreta container. Of course everyone love to be a container pot with beautiful flowering plants. Although we cannot choose to be a flower pot rather than a shit pot, we can choose either to complain, which is futile, or to be the best of what we are, flower pot or shit pot.
Part 5
Our Bishop could not understand why God discriminate against homosexuals when they were created that way. He compared homosexuals with left handedness or red hair. He said Leviticus 18 & 20 are simply wrong.
To answer our Bishop, the story of Gehazi offers food for thought. When Naaman, the commander of the king of Syria' army was healed of leprosy by dipping himself seven times into the Jordan river, he offered prophet Elisha a gift but he declined. Naaman insisted that he take it but he refused. While Naaman and his entourage was on the way back, Gehazi, the servant of Elisha ran after them asking for silver and clothing from Naaman which he later took back to his house. When Gehazi returned to Elisha, he was told that because of what he had done, the leprosy from Naaman will afflict him and his descendants forever.
Some curses like the one inflicted upon Gehazi last forever. Some for several generations.
If it is a curse then sons born will have sexual orientation towards man. It is definitely not a mistake or that God accidentally put too much female hormones in them. Such people have suffered enough being under a curse so I hope we should not be too critical over them. Some on the other hand are possessed by homosexual demons (probably originated from Sodom and Gomorrah) For these once they are cast out, they will become normal again. (Interestingly, there was this guy who can down 20 bottles of beer without being drunk but when the drunken demon was cast out, a single beer will knock him out).Still others if they choose to associate with them, sooner or later they will become like them. It is impossible to distinguish whether their sexual orientation is from the curse of their parents or from demons influence. God can reveal when the need arises. I have no problem with them just as I have no problem with Gentiles whom God also never like. But to allow such people into the church (still OK) and to be leaders of the church is pure madness. We must bear in mind that over 90% of the population of the world will choose the wide way to destruction (mostly Gentiles) so even if half of the word's population are homosexuals, is it a big deal?
If the argument of our Bishop can be accepted then we must also accept those pedophiles into our society ,since they are also born with different sexual tendencies. We can then change the law to accommodate them since there will be no shortage of poor parents who are ever ready and willing to offer their children to them for a good price. Others having tendencies over multiple sex partners and even with animals should also be allowed. Rest assure that every nation without directions from God will end up depraved.
Our Bishop suspect that Paul Tarsus is also a homosexual. Now I am able to understand why Scripture declared that the imaginations of man is an abomination to the Lord.
Part 6
Bishop: Most educated people in the world today dismiss the biblical story of Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden, with it's interpretation of human origins, as a myth not to be literalized. The Christology of the past has rested on a false definition of human life and has helped us thereby to develop a false understanding of who God is. A true reformation must be radical indeed.
(These are the people which Jesus described as going the wide road to......)
Our Bishop dare to state boldly and succinctly that Jesus did not die for our sins. That proclamation is theological nonsense. (I think his declaration is similar to those of the High Priests and the people responsible for the crucifixion of Christ but I would consider him lucky that he did not go one step further lest he might suffer the same fate if found to be wrong.
Our Bishop is of the opinion that the creation story is a myth and that there was never a time of a perfect and finished creation. Whatever else we know about creation, we are now certain that it is an on-going, evolving and still-incomplete process. Life has always been evolving. The Psalmist was wrong: we were not created a little lower than angels. Rather we have evolved into a status to be only a little higher than the apes.
Actually, I must admit that our Bishop is a very, very brave man by writing this book, slaughtering the Scripture piece by piece. I really wonder whether he had thought about the consequences if found to be wrong. I am sure he had never thought about it because he is so cocksure that he is right. Here again I must remind everyone about the sin of presumption which is, being absolutely sure that one is right but found to be wrong. Apart from God no man can be absolutely certain of anything. One of the greatest criminal lawyer in the world, Sir Lionel Luckoo, the former Governor of Guyana was asked a question as to whether he will still defend an accused when the accused admitted to him that he actually committed the murder. Sir Lionel answered 'In law nothing is certain, the accused could be lying to protect someone. Even eyewitnesses may not be telling the truth. In law what matters is only evidence. So to put it in a wider perspective, in life, nothing is certain. If anyone proclaim certainty in any issue he made himself equal to God thus bordering on arrogance which God hates. Let us therefore not be arrogant to think that knowledge and truth will die with us. Let us humble ourselves that He might exalt us.
Part 7 Conclucion
To our Bishop, all the supernatural tales in the Scriptures are mythologies. the resurrection narratives are mythological. He was convinced that dead bodies do not walk out of tombs three days after execution. Angels do not descend out of the sky. One does not get to heaven by rising off the ground and heading into the sky. One might end up in orbit instead. Jesus might end up circling the earth in eternal orbit. If the ascension of Jesus could occur at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would still take Jesus more than one hundred thousand years just to escape our single galaxy, to say nothing of the other two hundred billion or so galaxies in the visible universe. Our Bishop does not live in a world of miracles. He does not believe that Jesus stilled the storm, walked on water, or took five loaves and two fish and with them fed the multitude and conclude with 'There is no supernatural deity beyond the sky working miracles'.
We, on the other hand, believe in a personal Almighty God who created the heavens and the earth. Is anything too hard for Him to do? The moment we experience miracles performed in the name of Jesus, we know for sure all our Bishop's theories will fall one after another like a domino effect. Our Bishop is totally oblivious to the fact that Jesus was resurrected as a divine entity. We will all also be transformed from the earthly to the heavenly divine entities. Of course our Bishop will be confused as to how Jesus can pass through walls, be anywhere at any time, simply because to divine entities time and space are irrelevant. Otherwise how in the world are we going to be co-rulers with Jesus ruling all the galaxies in the universe. They can even go near to all the black holes in the universe with no harmful effect at all, bearing in mind that every physical matter and even light cannot escape the black holes. They can go to the surface of all the suns in the universe and can enjoy the intense heat. There is a great difference between the earthly body and the heavenly body. That us why in order to enter heaven, we must be transformed to the heavenly divine bodies because it is so far away that like our Bishop said, even if we travel at the speed of light, we will not be able to arrive there until eternity. That my friend is how far heaven is?
The good news is, with our divine bodies we can be there at an instant. This is one of the occasion where the Scripture declares that eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor entered into the mind of man, what God has prepared for His children. How sad will our Bishop and all his like minded colleagues be when they realised that they are not able to partake with us, the glories of the heavens and the universe and the fact that we can soar through the universe with ease which to them is unthinkable, but now most regrettable.
I am writing this, not for the enemies of Scriptures but solely to encourage those who are partakers of the kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Amen
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