Sunday, November 22, 2009

Man of God v False Preacher

I totally agreed with Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin that the tauliah or state-imposed permit to preach is against Islam. His argument that the right to speak is God-given is good. This is a clear case of a religious leader becoming a target of intolerant Islamic forces, a progressive religious leader who dare to challenge the authoritarianism of Islam in Malaysia.

His arrest confirmed how confused some of our religious leaders can be. Carried to their logical conclusions, even Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) will not be able to preach for failing to meet their criteria, being illiterate and without a degree in religious studies. Utter madness! Wisdom and understanding come from the Almighty. One can obtained doctorates from religious universities but it does not mean that he will gain wisdom and understanding. He may however, gain a considerable amount of knowledge. That is all. Throughout history we noticed that the Almighty gave direct revelations to His prophets and most of them do not have any formal education. The only criteria are a great desire to seek God and His ways. The truth seekers will certainly be able to discern whether teachings are from God or from man.

As for those who called Dr. Mohd. Asri “father of Satan” be assured that they will be severely dealt with in the hereafter but I am also sure that Dr. Mohd. Asri, being a man of God, will plead on their behalf, for forgiveness, for their ignorance, for they know not what they are doing. We are told to forgive those who in their ignorance and wrong presumption persecute the innocents but in their minds are absolutely sure that they are doing the right thing for God.

I pray that the Almighty will send more people in the likes of Dr. Mohd. Asri and Zainah Anwar. I was extremely touched by her views ‘Whither Moderation’ in Sharing the Nation. May God bless them with more understanding and wisdom to counter all the religious bigots in our country.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Are divine laws to last for eternity?

The Koran and the Bible and other Holy books were written many many years ago. Are all the laws written therein relevant for all time or certain parts only meant for the people during that dispensation period? In my opinion any person can have the right to speak about anything regarding religion even though without a formal education as long as he or she has a desire to know God. The prophet Isa is a good example. He never had a formal education but he can answer every questions posed by all the religious scholars and when He asked questions, nobody seem able to answer. In fact He said the Scribes and the religious leaders misinterpreted the Scriptures and in so doing killed many prophets sent by God to warn them of their error.

The chopping off of hands for theft and stoning to death for women caught in the act of adultery may be valid during their time but is it valid now? Now they are trying to reduce the impact by declaring that four independent witnesses must be present. What will happen if today a person who stole was caught by four or more indepent witnesses? Will the law chop off his hand? Primitive laws are for primitive people. Even during the times of Roman empire, a woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to the prophet Isa. He said 'According to the law of Moses this lady must be stone to death but let the one who has no sin cast the first stone' No one dare to cast any stone at her. He told the lady to go but sin no more. From that day onwards no woman caught in the act of adultery can be stone anymore. We have made progress. But sad to say, it is this one act of amending a law of Moses that caused Him to to be put to death.

Today, many of us are confused. Some interpreted the Holy Books to condone terrorism while others said their religion is a peaceful type and never condone violence in whatever form. Who then is correct? The very fact that people are confused is enough to confirm that God will not stop sending prophets in modern time to warn those in error. Who are these prophets? Are they the leaders who got their Ph Ds in religious studies with high positions in the Mosque or church?

Prophets never have high positions nor do they aspire to have any. Most of them of just ordinary folks but with great desire to do things pleasing unto God. That is all that is required of them. John the Baptist is a good example. Many people thought he was a madman living in the desert on locusts and honey. When he was beheaded, many started to believe he was a prophet of God but nobody know for sure until the prophet Isa confirmed him to be a true prophet.

We must understand a prophet's job is very onerous and dangerous. He must tell Kings or the religious leaders that they are wrong and no kings or leaders like to be told that they are wrong, even if they are wrong. It is for this reason that many are imprisoned and some even killed by these recalcitrant kings and religious leaders.

Prophet Isa has already confirmed that nobody should stone anybody to death unless he or she has no sin. Why are the people not listening to him? Is he a lesser prophet or what? He said clearly that those who love God shall know what is the right doctrine. If one interpreted the doctrine in a wrong manner it goes to show that his heart if far far away from God. Liquor is haram to Muslims but the prophet Isa not only drink with sinners, he also turned seven barrels

of water into wine during a wedding at Cana. He said it is not what we put inside our mouth that defile us. It is what comes out from our hearts that defile us, hatred, jealousy, murder, etc.

The issues about canning for drinking and the selling of liquor are actually not issues at all.

Are they going to cane the Ministers if they are found drinking? What about the sons of rulers

who drank at pubs. Are the authorities going to cane them. Let us wake up to the modern era.

We not not as primitive as before. Before, my father used to cane me. I have stopped doing that to my sons. Are we progressing or are we degenerating and going backwards.

Finally, I would like to end with 'Let God be true and man false'

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The government has forbidden everyone except the Muslims to use the word 'ALLAH' in their publications, newsletter, etc. The publishers of 'Herald' was not too happy about this, and so are many Christian organizations. The Herald openly defy the ban and continue to use the forbidden word, arguing that the freedom of religion allows them to do so.

The truth is - all these parties are barking at the wrong tree. The Muslim in their great desire to keep the sanctity of the name of their God decided once and for all that only they can use the name of their one and only true God, the name of 'ALLAH'

On the other hand, the Christians felt that their right to practice their religion freely has been infringed. They too have the right to use 'ALLAH' as the name of their God in their newsletters and other publications.

What's in a name? Is my father less of a father when I did not address him by his name?
The truth is - All the worlds' languages cannot fully address the actual name of God. Whether we call Him 'Allah, Tuhan, Jehovah, Yahweh or names in whatever languages, it use will not make any differences at all. What is of supreme importance is ' whether what we do pleases God', certainly not how correct we can pronounce His name.

Let us follow the examples of the people during the time of Moses. The people suffered greatly under the Pharoah. They were persecuted left and right. Finally they were instructed to abort every male child born. Only the females were allowed to live. They prayed fervently to God for deliverence. God raised up Moses to deliver them out of the hands of the Pharoah.
Not allowing to use a particular word is a very small matter. Only when the government demand that we must abort all our male child born will it then become is serious matter. Until then let us abide with the government decisions which I think is not too unreasonable given their level of understanding of God. They are only doing what they thought will please God. Their intention therefore is right even if their action is wrong.